Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Ask the Expert-Working Principle and Applications of Oval Gear Flow Meter

As we elaborated info-bits about the “Types and Applications of digital Water flow sensors” in our last blog, this time we have something really amazing information about flow sensors for our one in millions of readers.

Let us discuss a very interesting flow sensor that is oval gear flow meter.

What do mean by Oval Gear flow meters?

An oval gear meter is positive displacement meter. It uses two or more elliptical gears which are placed in T shape and it rotates at a right angle to one another. The fluid passes continuously filling and emptying the compartments of gear flow meter. The flow rate is calculated on the basis of a number of times fluid passes through the gear teeth.

Working Principle:
The oval gear flow meter consists of two oval gear teeth place in T shape. When fluid passes through the chamber, these gears they collide with each other creating rotational motion. Fluid with the different pressure traps into the chamber between two gears, further emptying the fluid into downstream flow. The motion of gears is transformed into a mechanical register and flow rate of the fluid is measured through this motion with the help of magnet embedded in the gears, which passes on the fluctuation or pulses for measurement of flow rate.

·         Easy to install
·         Proven and uncomplicated technology
·         Fluid with differential viscosity can be measured with the help of oval gears
·         The fluid measure is clean and pure which can give accurate flow measurements.
Oval Gear Flow Meter

·         It can’t be used for low viscosity water and water-like fluids.
·         Not appropriate for multi-phase fluid and steam.
·         Different viscosity, pressure, and temperature can cause fluid slippage which affects the accuracy of the flow rate.
·          Even bubbles present in the fluid can affect the accuracy of the meter.

Applications of Oval gear flow meter:
For measuring flow rate of the following fluids-
·         Lubricating oils
·         High-viscosity fluids
·         Epoxies
·         Fuels
·         Solvents
·         Chemicals
·         Additives
·         Greases
·         Polyurethane

Hence, the story of flow meters doesn’t end up here there are still many specific industrial applications of the oval gear flow sensors apart from this common applications. To get more information about flow meters you can visit our website www.broiltech.com.

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